Eating for two? Social Norms in Nutrition among Pregnant Women
Dr ir. Kris Bevelander, Radboud University, the Netherlands
Communications Officer: Inés Sanguino
Junior Researcher: Markus Tünte
Junior Researcher: Catherine Kakoulakis
Junior Researcher: Anna-Lena Tebbe
Junior Researcher: Katharina Herte
We look at other people’s food choices to determine what and how much we eat. The extent to which people are susceptible to social influence on eating varies. Pregnancy provides women a reason or an excuse to change their diets for better or worse. Studies show that so-called ‘social norm-based’ messages have potential to steer non-pregnant women to make healthy food choices. This project will investigate to what extent pregnant women are susceptible to social norms on their own eating behaviour. The research aims are to 1) understand how the perception of the social environment influences European pregnant women’s eating behaviour, and 2) test to what extent pregnant women are susceptible to social norm messages compared to non-pregnant women.