Gerhard Prinz, JRP 2016-2017

We are pleased to introduce Mr Gerhard Prinz, Communications Officer for Dr Annika Nübold’s 2016-17 JRP Team, which is investigating the dark triad of personality in the workplace. Read below how he experiences life as a Junior Researcher.

Life as a Junior Researcher feels like finally implementing theoretical concept and skills you acquire at university. It gives you the possibility to experience academic research hands on in an international environment with peers that are as excited and motivated as you are to move something and contributing to a progress in science. It unfolds the challenges as well as the opportunities that you are facing in working in an international team. This includes intense work times, different time zones (when organizing meetings), different opinions how to structure the progress, but as well a lot of fun and relaxing times and the amazing feeling that all people are led by the same goal: conducting research and making an impact.
Collaboration has its challenges, but the output in the end is overwhelming.  And that’s just possible if you have a bunch of smart heads bringing themselves in together to build a bigger picture. And this picture is far more colossal as you could have painted by yourself.
I’m really happy that I got the opportunity to meet so much interesting people all over Europe and to work with a team that’s open minded, pushes you, as you push the team, gets work done and creates an inspiring atmosphere. Life as a Junior Researcher is an unique experience that strongly enriches my academic as well as my personal life”

Stay tuned here for more stories from the current cohort!

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