Humans of JRP: Ms Elisa Haller

ElisaWhat is the JRP vision according to our new Research Officer, Elisa Haller?
Elisa has seen the programme evolve since 2012 when she participated in the summer school in Portugal. She was the Communications Officer for her team, then head of the summer school in Austria, and then the second Senior Coordinator. Today, while pursuing a PhD at the University of Zurich, she is providing new opportunities for the programme:
‘The JRP is devoted to building a positive research culture for those who desire intense engagement with their subject, and even shaping their field. Every step of the unique research process can feel like being plunged into the deep end, which requires constant discussion, reflection, guidance and advice. Together with an engaged and passionate team, my role will focus on establishing and maintaining these structures that help young researchers benefit from the multitude of opinions and expertise, which together encourage turning ideas into reality.’
– Elisa Haller The 2016-17 Research Officer

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