JRP Heroes: Introducing Dr. Stuart Flint

FlintFor the 3rd installment of our Hero Series, we wanted to re-introduce you Dr Stuart Flint. A supervisor of the 2014-2015 cohort team studying obesity discrimination in the workplace, he has recently gone on to present his team at the 3rd Weight Stigma Conference in Reykjavik, Iceland. At the conference, titled “Institutionalised weightism: how to challenge oppressive systems?”, he was also invited to join an expert panel discussing terminology related to obesity, arguing for more consistency across scientific literature.

Dr Flint is an active in issues surrounding weight discrimination and health in society. He has been in the British news recently starting debate around targeted marketing of sugary drinks toward young people. This has been covered in local news (see: bit.ly/1WWzUbV ) as well as by the BBC (begins around 1:20 at bbc.in/1ku6hTD ).
We are very proud to have worked with Dr. Flint and thank him for his dedication within the JRP.

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