Modern societies often demand individuals adjust to changes. Many of those changes contribute to collective wellbeing, yet individuals resist them. This study aims to investigate two factors potentially influencing individuals’ resistance to change across a multicultural sample. Utilizing an experimental design, we will examine how the interaction between the commonness of a behavior change and the inconvenience of the change impacts how individuals evaluate the correctness of this change. Specifically, we plan to examine changes that ameliorate the treatment of minorities and charitable behavior. Our results may highlight how appeals for behavior change should be framed in order to achieve a widespread social impact.


Supervisor: Dr. Claudia P. Estévez-Mujica
Communication Officer: Lidia Borkovic
Lead Design and Materials Manager: Blessing Kaseem
Lead Literature Manager: Amala Ayyar
Lead Data Collection Manager: Christian Stephens
Lead Analysis Manager: Anja Maršič
Lead Writing Manager: Vera Djuki

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