How to tackle anti-vaccination misinformation? – New paper out by JRP alumna Aleksandra Lazić

How can we best address anti-vaccination conspiracy theories and misinformation?

Author Aleksandra Lazić was a Researcher Supervisor as part of the 2019/20 JRP cohort.

Our alumna Aleksandra Lazić and her colleague Dr. Iris Zezelj have recently published a paper in Public Understanding of Science, where they tackle exactly this question.

Based on a literature review and a systematic review of narrative interventions (which covered 17 studies and 97 comparisons), the authors provide practical advice for those who wish to use personal or cultural stories to fight anti-vaccination misinformation and conspiracy theories. 

Aleksandra was a Researcher Supervisor in the 2019/20 cohort, where she also investigated vaccination decisions, as part of the project “Social norms for public health: How communicating herd behaviour influences vaccination rates in Europe“.

Interested to know more? You can find the paper here and the pre-print here.

We congratulate Aleksandra for this success and are excited to read more from her in the future!

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