JRP team from the 2018-2019 cohort publish their research

We are excited to share that supervisor Dr Renan Saravia’s JRP team from the 2018-2019 cohort has recently published their research in the journal Applied Cognitive Psychology. The paper is titled “Improving the evaluation of eyewitness evidence in legal decision-making: Testing an active versus passive teaching aid” and can be accessed here. It is authored by Dr Renan Saraiva, Giulia Bertoldo, Ludvig Daae Bjørndal, Caătălina Bunghez, Ingvild Sandø Lofthus, Lucy McGill, Stéphanie Richardson, and Marie Stadel. The study is based on the work started by the team at the jSchool in 2018, and this publication therefore represents the group’s work together over a four year period! In addition to this paper, several members of the team also published a spin-off study in 2020 which you can read more about here.

One of the team members, Ludvig Daae Bjørndal, shares his experience of being involved with the JRP: “With the support of the JRP, my team members and I were able to design a study, collect and analyse data, and write a scientific paper. This has been an immensely valuable learning experience for me as an early-career researcher”. 

Another team member, Giulia Bertoldo, also shares her experience: “It has been an amazing experience to work with such a motivated and committed team. From the beginning, I felt at ease bringing my own contributions while learning from others. Working on a research project from brainstorming ideas to publication helped me gain real-world research experience which became very useful in my further studies in psychology and statistics. I will be forever grateful to the Junior Researcher Programme for giving us the opportunity to meet and work together!”

A massive congratulations from the JRP team. 

The full team during the jSchool 2018 in Siena

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