Team Bogado at jSchool 2023

Based on theories of biased cognition, this study explores the role of confirmation and narrative biases in the impact of exposure to vaccination information on intentions to vaccinate. Concretely, we investigate the extent to which confirmation and narrative biases limit the effects of pro- and anti-vaccination information on vaccination intention, and what role individual traits play in these effects. We hypothesise that people favour information framed in narrative terms (narrative bias hypothesis) as well as information that aligns with their prior attitudes and beliefs (confirmation bias hypothesis). Our aim is to investigate why – even though people hear different information framed in different ways – their attitudes remain unchanged. Answering these questions can significantly contribute to advancing public health policies and objectives.


Supervisor: Natalia Bogado
Communication Officer: Ana Milošič
Lead data collection: Alexandra-Ioana Constantinescu, Yuchen Liu, Eszter Zilahi
Lead data analysis: Ruohan Xu, Ana Milošič
Register role: Ruohan Xu, Eszter Zilahi

jSchool 2024

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